

2024.02 Northern California Mayor's Cup Resource Guide.pdf
NORCAL_CMCC Flyer_2024_FINAL_2.pdf

Training Resources

The NorCalCyber Mayors Cup competition is built on the same platform as National Cyber League (NCL) and is provided by Cyber Skyline. NCL provides tutorials and resource guides on their website. Visit for these additional resources. The video below contains 5 training videos provided by Cyber Skyline for the NorCalCyber Mayors Cup participants for the 2023 competition. Use the arrow on the top left for navigating to the 5 different training topics.

Live@5 2023 Webinar Series

LIVE@5 is a month-long series leading up to the NorCalCyber Mayors Cup Competition. Participants took a tour of the competition platform from Cyber Skyline, learned how and why cybersecurity is important, and heard from leaders in the field on how they found their way into one of the fastest-growing industry segments of our nation. Check out the recorded versions of the webinars below.

Week 1: Cyber Skyline Fundamentals

Week 2: Open Source Intelligence

Week 3: Cryptography

Week 4: Linux

Week 5: Log Analysis

Week 6: Network Traffic Analysis

Live@5 2022 Webinar Series

Week 1: Cyber Space

Week 2: Cryptography

Week 3: Tips, Tricks, and Linux

Week 4: Image Digital Forensics

Week 5: Ethics in Space

Live@5 2021 Webinar Series

Week 1: Cyber Skyline

Week 2: Social Engineering

Week 3: Wireshark

Week 4: Apprenticeships

Week 5: Academic Enrichment (Community Colleges and Universities)